The story of Bisimwa Habamungu

His name is Bisimwa Habamungu, I remember his story before I hired him at Rebuild Women's Hope 3 years ago. We were looking to recruit a technician, but after screening we came across a file of a father of a daughter who had the profile, but after probing his ethics, we received disappointing news, the man had become a swindler who deceived people by selling them fake diamonds💎. He was too dangerous for his community because he had already swindled many people and he was arrested in the central prison of Bukavu, When the recruiter explained his case to me, I wanted to know more about his family, so I asked for his wife to be brought to me for an in-depth discussion. What his wife explained to me forced me to take the risk to give this young man a chance. As I've always said, economic violence is the root of all violence in most cases, especially in our country where it's so prevalent. Look at this gentleman, who seemed to be a problem for his community, but by trying to stabilize his economic life, he has become a help to his family and his community, and a model father to his 6-year-old daughter. These are the reasons why I believe that when we empower a woman, we give her a sense of life and restore her community.